Eco friendly Shadow Box Plaques

small: between $330 - $380 each
large: between $420 - $480 each
Prices are based on quantity, printed details, timelines and final specifications. Bulk discount available.

There are plenty of reasons why custom shadow boxes can be great as plaques and awards for recipients. These plaques and trophies are great for showcasing for any type of accomplishment. The depth gives these awards a unique look and focus on the specific aspects that you want to emphasize the most. Above are examples from you inc, hero and insight.

materials used
Maple hardwood and anodized aluminum  

Clear danish oil on the wood. 

other details
UV flat bed printed logo, text and graphics. 

- Artwork setup and screen printing in one colour
- Artwork must be supplied in eps format
- Coloured screen printing available* 
- Vinyl decals can be applied to the panels*

lead time
2-3 weeks
Lead times can vary depending on the size of the project, design approval and final artwork approval.

sustainability features  
- Bamboo is fast growing;  harvestable in 1-3 years, as opposed to hardwoods that can take up to 40 years + to mature
- Aluminum is 100% recyclable
- Aluminum has a lower melting temperature than other metals (less energy required to create/recycle)
- Anodizing uses less product to create a coating as opposed to painting or powder coating. Additionally, over spray or post painting clean up (solvents) is not an issue with anodizing.  

wood options - standard   
- Douglas Fir (recovered)
- Pine beetle wood (denim pine, recovered)

wood options - on request
- Bamboo, natural
- Bamboo, caramel
- Cedar
- Maple
- Red Oak
- Poplar
- Others available on request

anodizing colours  
- Matte finish

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